HIPAA Myths and Reality for Local Government and Law Enforcement

Course Length: 2 hrs. Student Contact

Certificate of Completion: Included

Course Overview

While HIPAA was enacted in 1996 and security and privacy regulations went into effect in 2003 there remains in the public, government entities and criminal justice agencies much confusion about what HIPAA is and perhaps more importantly what it is not. In this course we are going to explore those issues. We will discuss who and what is covered by HIPAA and rather fact that not all medical records are HIPAA records. You will learn basic terms and concepts and the critical concept of being a hybrid entity to reduce your HIPAA footprint. We discuss how the law impacts local government and law enforcement and ways HIPAA barriers for data access can be dealt with. Even if you are not covered by HIPAA many of its concepts likely apply to you under state medical privacy and public record laws so the later part of the class includes tips on data protection important even those to those who are not HIPAA covered.

Learning objectives:

Upon the completion of this course you will learn:

  1. What is and is not HIPAA protected data and that not all medical data is HIPAA data.
  2. How being a hybrid entity impacts government agencies.
  3. HIPAA security and privacy requirements.
  4. Exceptions to privacy rules.
  5. Liability reduction by understanding HIPAA exceptions and state medical privacy laws.

Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $29.95.

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