Brady / Giglio Lists & Discipline

Course Length: 2 hrs. Student Contact

Certificate of Completion: Included

Course Overview

While many criminal justice professionals have heard about the Supreme Court cases of Brady and Giglio and the need for the government to disclose potential exculpatory to attorneys for criminal defendants, many are just learning of an evolving area of the law relating to employee discipline. Over the nation there is growing litigation that some acts of discipline may trigger Brady disclosure obligation.  In this presentation we explore the history and evolution of Brady and later cases and their expansion to criminal justice professionals. We explore options to implement a “Brady List” or program, how the issue impacts law enforcement operations and future implications and trends in the law.

Learning objectives:

Upon the completion of this course you will learn:

  1. The constitutional background and history of Brady v. Maryland and subsequent court cases.
  2. How and when internal discipline may become a Brady issue.
  3. Options to coordinate with other stakeholders on how to coordinate Brady and discipline issues.
  4. Future directions and issues to anticipate.


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